Research Article
Research implications for teaching and learning strategies in undergraduate mathematics
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1 Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2A), June 2014, 122-130,
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In preparing an address that fits well within the themes of the Frontiers in Mathematics and Science Education Research Conference 2014, I have chosen geometry. Evidently, geometric applications in Calculus, Algebra and other fields are essential for these disciplines’ development. In addition, the widespread use of geometry by pre-service and in-service teachers in elementary, middle, and secondary schools and universities makes it an indispensable discipline for a large population in education. In what follows I will try to highlight and present the main trends in recent research activities in teaching and learning undergraduate geometry that were carried out throughout the second half of the twentieth century up to the present. In particular, research on studying children and young adults’ processes of how they construct geometric and spatial ideas of objects will be discussed. Additionally, research in mathematics on proofs and proving with selected examples of proving the Pythagorean Theorem visually and through geometric construction including my own proof will be introduced.
Rahim, M. H. (2014). Research implications for teaching and learning strategies in undergraduate mathematics. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2A), 122-130.
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