Research Article
Science club - a concept
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1 Department of Biology Didactics, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(3), July 2016, 413-417,
OPEN ACCESS 1628 Views 1248 Downloads
The following article presents a concept of a science club which was developed by two master’s students as a part of their thesis and which has been developed and improved ever since. The extracurricular concept emphasises pupils’ individuality through focusing on problem based leaning, station learning, and mixed age groups. Having joined the club pupils work on topics mainly related to biological phenomena which they explore in experiments. As a collaboration between school and university it is not only intended to foster pupils’ interest in science but also to help teacher trainees gain practical experiences in teaching when supervising the club.
Wegner, C., Issak, N., Tesch, K., & Zehne, C. (2016). Science club - a concept. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(3), 413-417.