Research Article
Integrating ICTs into the environmental science primary school classroom in Chegutu district, Zimbabwe: problems and solutions
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1 Department of Educational Foundations Management and Curriculum Studies, Midlands State University, P Bag, 9055, Gweru, Zimbabwe* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), January 2015, 90-96
OPEN ACCESS 1459 Views 1187 Downloads
This study investigated primary school teachers’ perceptions of the barriers and challenges preventing them from integrating ICTs in the environmental science classroom. The study adopted a qualitative research approach that is in line with the phenomenological perspective as it sought to acquire knowledge through understanding the direct experience of others by engaging with participants through semi structured interviews and classroom observations. The participants of this study were 14 7th grade primary school teachers purposively sampled based on based on qualities like class level, working experience and gender. According to the findings of the study primary school environmental science teachers are not yet ready to integrate ICTs into their classrooms due to a number of obstacles that include unavailability of infrastructure, equipment and web based resources in the classrooms. Teachers also lacked competence, in service training and technical support, as well as technological pedagogical content knowledge on how to integrate ICTs into teaching and learning of environmental science. Teacher education programs should therefore adequately prepare new teachers and equip them with skills and pedagogical skills necessary integrate ICTs into their teaching. The study recommends that government forms partnerships with public and private sector to enable internet access, affordability, connectivity and coverage for all schools.
Shadreck, M. (2015). Integrating ICTs into the environmental science primary school classroom in Chegutu district, Zimbabwe: problems and solutions. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 90-96.