Keyword: Pedagogy

4 results found.

Research Article
Secondary students’ attitudes to animal research: Examining the potential of a resource to communicate the scientist’s perspective
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(3), July 2015, 233-249,
Research Article
Music activities as a meaningful context for teaching elementary students mathematics: a quasi-experiment time series design with random assigned control group
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), January 2015, 45-60,
Research Article
‘Engaging in an argumentative discourse’- narratives from biology classrooms
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), January 2015, 14-32,
Research Article
Adapting a math book to the arab world region: Benefits on the learning process
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2A), June 2014, 197-203,