Research Article

Electronic learning in the German science project ‘Nawi-Interaktiv’

Claas Wegner 1, Wiebke Homann 2, Friederike Strehlke 1 *
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1 Department for Didactics of Biology, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany2 Department ‘Bielefeld School of Education’, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(4), October 2014, 220-222,
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The German science project ‘NAWI-Interaktiv’ is an example of innovative use of E-Learning and new media education. Since 2009, the learning platform provides learners and teachers with high-quality learning tools, teaching material, useful information and E-learning programs for free. This is to raise the pupils’ motivation to learn about scientific phenomena, on the one hand, and also provides teachers with future-oriented course material for the fields of science education. ‘NAWI-Interaktiv’ aims at advancing the pupils’ scientific literacy and new media education and it improves the quality of science teaching as it uses media and technology as instruments to improve learning and also as objects to learn about.


Wegner, C., Homann, W., & Strehlke, F. (2014). Electronic learning in the German science project ‘Nawi-Interaktiv’. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(4), 220-222.